Research on "Silent Night, Holy Night"

Vita part 2: Researching the history of the Christmas carol, founding a museum, making a big discovery and winning a prize in Salzburg for his PR activities.

1990 Exposé on the origin of the Christmas carol "Silent Night, Holy Night"
1990-91 Consultant at the DEFA-Studios in Babelsberg
1992 "Die Ratte" (development and production)
1993 Researches the history of the origin of the song "Silent Night" and publishes his first book at the end of the year.
1994 Production of the audio book "Silent night" with Mickey Rooney.
1995 Publication of his 2nd book about the origin of the song "Silent Night".
1996 The Silent Night Museum is founded in Steingasse/ Salzburg.
1997 Production of a radio documentary based on his own texts in cooperation with Dr. Peter Schuler of Radio Suisse International broadcasting to 50 stations in South America, Africa and Australia (in English, Spanish and Portuguese).
1999 On Dec. 11, the birthday of Joseph Mohr, Hanno Schilf arranges an exclusive TV transmission for the State of Salzburg of the first Silent Night film, "The immortal song", made in 1933. One of the title roles is played by Felix Gruber, grandson of Franz Xaver Gruber.

2000, February. The State of Salzburg, Chamber of Commerce awards its prize for marketing, communication and design in the category Public Relation activities to Hanno Schilf for his PR activities that have reached about 1 billion people during the last four years.
Hanno Schilf Hanno Schilf
Author, researcher of the origin of 'Silent Night Holy Night', founder of a museum and active in many different fields in the film business.

Escape from GDR German Democratic Republic and start of a movie career
Vita part 1: In 1960, when he was 10 years old, Hanno Schilf escaped from East Germany with his mother. Later, he started a career in the theater and film business.

Silent Night Holy Night media project
The Silent Night project began in 1993 when Hanno Schilf moved to Salzburg in the capacity of author and film producer, to write the film script and initiate the international film

Research on Silent Night, Holy Night Research on Silent Night, Holy Night
1990 an exposé, in 1993 the first book is published. In 1995 the Joseph Mohr autograph from 1816 is discovered. 1996 the Joseph Mohr Museum in Steingasse 9 opens. Please go to for more information.

Executive producer for "The Red Phone" Executive producer for “The Red Phone“
After several years devoted to research on Silent Night, Holy Night, in 2001, Hanno Schilf returns to the film business this time as executive producer in the special agent series "The Red Phone".

Context description:  Hanno Schilf author